Wednesday, December 26, 2012 - Venezuela's Chavez recuperating after cancer surgery: reports   2012-12-26 05:47:45

CARACAS, Dec. 25 (Xinhua) -- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is recuperating after a recent cancer surgery, local media reported Tuesday.
Chavez was able to leave bed rest to walk about and do some exercises as part of his post-operative recovery program, Vice President Nicolas Maduro announced late Monday, in the latest official update on the president's state of health.
Chavez called Maduro from Havana, Cuba, where he underwent surgery, and "during the 20-minute conversation that we had, he was walking, doing some exercises that are part of his daily treatment," Maduro told state-run VTV by phone.
News of the call from Chavez, which Maduro said was "a Christmas present," sparked a flurry of hopeful messages on social networking site Twitter by Venezuelans loyal to the ailing head of state.
During the call, Chavez was "in a good mood," and both inquired and gave instructions on a range of topics, including the economy and the swearing in of governors elected in Dec. 16 regional elections, in which the ruling socialist party won 20 of the country's 23 states.
"Practically throughout the 20 minutes, about 15 minutes were given to instructions and orders on issues vital to the country's economy, social programs, the national program," said Maduro.
Chavez underwent a fourth round of surgery on Dec. 11, since he was first diagnosed with cancer in the pelvic region in June 2011. His health has been the subject of intense media coverage, since he is scheduled to be sworn in to a third six-year term on Jan. 10.
Maduro said Monday if Chavez is not be well enough to take the oath of office on that day, he can do so later before the Supreme Court, as stipulated by law.
Editor: yan

source: - Japan Abe taps allies for cabinet, pledges deflation fight

TOKYO | Wed Dec 26, 2012 9:58am EST
Japan's new Prime Minister Shinzo Abe attends a news conference at his official residence in Tokyo December 26, 2012. REUTERS-Toru Hanai(Reuters) - New Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe vowed on Wednesday to battle deflation and a strong yen, and bolster ties with the United States as he kicked off a second administration committed to reviving the economy while coping with a rising China.
A hawk on security matters, Abe, 58, has promised aggressive monetary easing by the Bank of Japan and big fiscal spending by the debt-laden government to slay deflation and weaken the yen to make Japanese exports more competitive.
Critics worry, however, that he will pay too little heed to reforms needed to generate growth despite an ageing, shrinking population and reform a creaking social welfare system.
The grandson of a former prime minister, Abe has staged a stunning comeback five years after abruptly resigning as premier in the wake of a one-year term troubled partly by scandals in his cabinet and public outrage over lost pension records.
"With the strength of my entire cabinet, I will implement bold monetary policy, flexible fiscal policy and a growth strategy that encourages private investment, and with these three policy pillars, achieve results," Abe told a news conference after parliament voted him in as Japan's seventh prime minister in six years.
Abe's long-dominant Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) surged back to power in this month's election, three years after a crushing defeat at the hands of the novice Democratic Party of Japan.
Abe appointed a cabinet of close allies who share his conservative views in key posts, but leavened the line-up with LDP rivals to provide ballast and fend off criticism of cronyism that dogged his first administration.
Former prime minister Taro Aso, 72, was named finance minister and also received the financial services portfolio.
Ex-trade and industry minister Akira Amari becomes minister for economic revival, heading a new panel tasked with coming up with growth strategies such as deregulation.
Policy veteran Toshimitsu Motegi, as trade minister, will be tasked with formulating energy policy in the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear disaster last year.
Loyal Abe backer Yoshihide Suga was appointed chief cabinet secretary, a key post combining the job of top government spokesman with responsibility for coordinating among ministries.
Others who share Abe's agenda to revise the pacifist constitution and rewrite Japan's wartime history with a less apologetic tone were also given posts, including conservative lawmaker Hakubun Shimomura as education minister.
"These are really LDP right-wingers and close friends of Abe," said Sophia University professor Koichi Nakano. "It really doesn't look very fresh at all."
Fiscal hawk Sadakazu Tanigaki, whom Abe replaced as LDP leader in September, becomes justice minister while two rivals who ran unsuccessfully in that party race - Yoshimasa Hayashi and Nobuteru Ishihara - got the agriculture and environment/nuclear crisis portfolios respectively.
Business leaders welcomed the new cabinet, but the biggest corporate lobby, Keidanren, urged the government to take part in the U.S.-led Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade pact, Kyodo news agency said. The LDP has been wary of the pact given the political clout of the heavily protected farm sector.
The yen has weakened about 9.8 percent against the dollar since Abe was elected LDP leader in September. On Wednesday, it hit a 20-month low of 85.38 yen against the greenback on expectations of aggressive monetary policy easing.
Abe has threatened to revise a law guaranteeing the Bank of Japan's (BOJ) independence if it refuses to set a 2 percent inflation target.
BOJ minutes released on Wednesday showed the central bank was already pondering policy options in November, concerned about looming risks to the economy. The BOJ stood pat at its November rate review meeting, but eased this month in response to intensifying pressure from Abe.
Abe also promised during the election campaign to take a tough stance in territorial rows with China and South Korea over separate chains of tiny islands, while placing priority on strengthening Japan's alliance with the United States.
On Wednesday, he repeated his resolve to firm up ties with Washington and his intention to protect "the people's lives, Japanese territory and its beautiful oceans".
China expressed hope that Abe's cabinet would work with Beijing to improve ties, but reiterated that the disputed isles were its territory. "We hope Japan works with China with sincerity and makes real efforts to solve relevant problems through dialogue and negotiations," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chunying told a news conference in Beijing.
Abe named low-profile lawmakers to the foreign and defense portfolios. Itsunori Onodera, 52, who was senior vice foreign minister in Abe's first cabinet, becomes defense minister while Fumio Kishida, 55, a former state minister for issues related to Okinawa island - host to the bulk of U.S. forces in Japan - was appointed to the top diplomatic post. Unlike many others in the cabinet, Kishida has an image as something of a diplomatic dove.
Abe, who hails from a wealthy political family, made his first overseas visit to China to repair chilly ties when he took office in 2006, but has said his first trip this time will be to the United States.
He may, however, put contentious issues that could upset key trade partner China and fellow-U.S. ally South Korea on the backburner to concentrate on boosting the economy, now in its fourth recession since 2000, ahead of an election for parliament's upper house in July.
The LDP and its small ally, the New Komeito party, won a two-thirds majority in the 480-seat lower house in the December 16 election. That allows the lower house to enact bills rejected by the upper house, where the LDP-led block lacks a majority.
But the process is cumbersome, so the LDP is keen to win a majority in the upper house to end the parliamentary deadlock that has plagued successive governments since 2007.
"Trust in our party has not yet been fully restored and I feel we are still viewed with critically by the people, so I want to get results as soon as possible to restore trust," Abe told the news conference.
($1 = 84.7950 Japanese yen)
(Additional reporting by Stanley White, Kiyoshi Takenaka, Tetsushi Kajimoto, Kaori Kaneko and Chris Meyers and by Terril Yue Jones in Beijing; Editing by Dean Yates)


Matsui Rena SKE48

Hi everybody~
Kembali lagi, mau nulis nih.. hehehe maklum newbie.

Ah malam ini, gue akan membahas tentang salah satu oshi gue yaitu Matsui Rena dari SKE48.
Udah pada tahu dong tentang doi? Sebenarnya, pasti udah banyak banget yang membahas tentang dia, tapi berhubung gue baru bikin blog, jadi yaa nulis dikit ya tentang dia, tapi bukan biografi doi loh atau jejak karirnya. ente bisa buka berbagai sumber yang membahas tentang doi , seperti forum dan forum .

tulisan ini bisa dibilang seperti cerita/pandangan dari gue, Apa sih yang menarik dari Matsui Rena? (kayak promosi)

yang pertama, wajahnya doi yang manis :P gue paling suka kalau dia udah senyum dan tertawa, karena pada dasarnya ketika doi diam atau tidak berekspresi, wajahnya dingin dan matanya kaku. *melted*
Nih buktinya~

Yang kedua, doi ini berbakat banget jadi aktris. Buat yang udah pernah nonton drama doi bareng member AKB48 dan sister group nya dalam Majisuka Gakuen I dan Majisuka Gakuen II, pasti bakal jatuh hati dengan Gekikara yang di season II jadi Amakuchi ~ hahaha.. sangat menjiwai dan she was into her character.

Yang ketiga, doi suka banget sama film anime dan baca manga! Ah, kesukaan dia ini yang bikin gue makin jatuh hati sama doi ~ dalam waktu luangnya ketika libur, kalau engga tidur seharian, doi pasti nonton atau membaca :p

Yang keempat, sifat doi yang menurut gue, ada beberapa diantaranya yang mirip sama gue :p Doi itu to the point, dan dia mengekspresikan pikiran dan perasaannya tanpa ragu J ketika dia suka, dia akan excited ketika menyampaikannya :p oh iya, doi itu golongan darahnya sama kayak gue, O. That’s why i’ve found similar personality with her.. hahaha doi yang seneng sama cewe-cewe imut ini ternyata engga mau nikah loh! She enjoys her life so! Cara berpikirnya menurut gue cukup dewasa, dan dia itu masih rada tertutup orangnya :p gue suka setiap statement atau jawaban dia terhadap pertanyaan fans nya baik di google+ nya maupun di blog nya, nih gue sertain link yang memperkuat alasan ketiga dan keempat gue (lu bisa obok-obok di sumber ini )

Yang terakhir, adalah.... *teretetet...* Jidatnya booo~ hahaha.. kayak gue, jidatnya lebar L hehehe menunjukkan kepintaran dan kebesaran hatinya *caelaaah*

Sekian dari newbie, nih buat bonus beberapa gambar favorit gue.. cekidot gan!


Monday, December 24, 2012

Mengenai Penyakit Maag

Good night minna~

ini adalah posting pertama saya di blog ini :D
terlintas di pikiran saya untuk berbagi cerita tentang penyakit maag.

saya tidak akan membahas mengenai apa itu penyakit maag, bagaimana sejarah dari penyakit ini, atau hal-hal yang bisa di dapat dengan mudah dari sumber lain. eits, bukan berarti saya mempublikasikan posting yang sulit-sulit, hanya sekedar berbagi pengalaman sebagai seorang yang (katanya) menderita sakit maag :(

yang pasti, bagi kalian yang masih sehat wal'afiat,
jangan deh kebanyakan makan-makanan yang pedas dan asam. bukan berarti dilarang, namun lebih baik dihindari. kalaupun emang napsu dan tak tertahankan, lebih baik isi dahulu perut anda dengan makanan biasa, setelah itu anda bisa makan yang asam dan pedas deh :p
sekedar melindungi lambung dan usus anda supaya tidak terluka. terkhusus yang suka telat makan, jangan langsung menghantam makanan pedas dan asam ya! ikuti saran yang telah saya utarakan sebelumnya :)

buat yang udah kena , kita toss dulu dong! hahaha..
yang udah kena, so pasti, menurut dr.Sabelle (dokter ini bagus banget, dapat ditemukan di Makassar :p),
orang yang sudah terkena maag cukup menghindari 4 hal
1. lombok alias pedas, mau itu cabe ataupun lada
2. ketan-ketanan
3. asem
4. yang paling penting adalah HINDARI STRESS alias TERLALU BANYAK PIKIRAN

kenapa? karena ketika kita stress, asam lambung yang diproduksi semakin banyak!! nah itu ga bagus untuk lambung kita :(

berbicara soal sakit, pasti ga jauh-jauh dari obat :p

nah usulan aja nih untuk para pembaca. saya pernah diopname dan ditangani oleh dokter spesialis yang jago banget, untuk nama ga bisa saya sebutin takut menjadi pencemaran nama baik.
dokter ini memang tokcer banget, almarhum bapak saya sembuh setelah berobat sama beliau selama setahun lebih.. itupun duluuu banget, dan dokter itu masih belum secanggih sekarang titel pendidikannya.
saya berobat sama dia, dikasih obat ini itu, dan rasanya terlalu berat untuk sakit saya :(
makanya saya berhenti berobat sama dia, disamping mahal juga ngerasa ga gitu ada perubahan berarti (mungkin karena saya juga yah yang bandel dikit) . tapi terlepas dari semua itu, hindari mengkonsumsi obat terlalu lama. obat maag tuh macem-macem, ada yang mahal banget sampai generik murah. obatnya antara lain Nexium, omeprazole, mucosta, ranitidin, antasida doen, cimetidine, lazoprazole, omeprazole, dll.
kalau sudah lebih enak ketika mengkonsumsi obat, lebih baik hindari makanan/ 4 pantangan di atas ya!

yang terpenting..... JAUHI STRESS!
syukuri hidup, jalani dengan santai, dan tetap bersemangat!!

mengutip kata favorit takamina, oshi saya
yayyy *sambil bikin peace pake jari*